Data Science Intern at Co-op Insurance

Additional Description of Tasks

    Through the use of R and Python, use the company’s membership data in order to determine the best insurance price for their members, taking into account how likely a member is to default/crash

    Explore different data science techniques to see which methods work best with an emphasis on customer interpretability

    Improve upon the pre-existing methods that have been used in the past such as using non-parametric boosting algorithms such as XGBoost, random forests, and other machine learning techniques

    Implement several hyper-parameter optimization techniques such as Bayesian Optimization (Gaussian Process - Upper Confidence Bound acquisition function), Random Search, and Grid Search

    Produce clean, re-usable, and production-level code that can be used in the future

    Produce a final dissertation that includes previous relevant works, methodologies, findings, results, and conclusions

  • Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Start Date: June 2018
  • End Date: September 2019
  • List of Relevant Technologies Used: R, XGBoost, rBayesianOptimization